My Oily Story


This Is My Passion.

I started using Young Living essential oils & products in the fall of 2018. 

I had struggled with seasonal allergies my entire life (looking at you Virginia pollen!) and was sick of taking Claritin every single day and still constantly being itchy and congested all the time. I used to carry tissues with me everywhere, all year around— it just felt normal to me. I had heard that oils could help with allergy symptoms so I decided to give them a shot. I had used the cheapie oils here and there from Amazon & local grocery stores, but never had much luck with them. I had a good friend who was seeing incredible results with Young Living oils (they’re the best y’all! totally pure & unaltered which is why they actually work!), and decided “why not try? worst case scenario they just make my house smell really stinking good.”

In addition to dealing with my seasonal symptoms, I had also just experienced a miscarriage. Going through that really prompted me to do some digging about what ingredients were in my household products.

I learned that most products sold on shelves today (I’m talking skincare, household cleaners, shampoo/conditioner, even kid and baby products) contain ingredients that can be hormone disruptors, skin irritants, known carcinogens and a whole slew of other things I didn’t want any part of… I was shocked by what I found, because I honestly thought what I was using was pretty safe and natural. Unfortunately “natural” is a very trendy word right now, and I realized I had been the victim of good marketing from companies whose products were really not natural at all.

Once I knew better, I wanted to DO better.

I decided it was time to make a change. All of Young Livings products are free of any harsh ingredients and are plant based— none of them include fragrance (if you haven’t googled what companies put in “fragrance” I strongly encourage you to) but they still smell amazing because they’re all scented with oils (aka plants!). I was sick of having to google every. single. ingredient. on the back of a bottle at the store, just to make sure it wasn’t harmful to me or my family.

All of that to say, I finally bought a starter kit from YL. I started using oils to help support my body through my allergy symptoms, and was shocked when they actually worked and really helped me! I also started switching out my household cleaners, then my baby products, then my skincare. As a momma, it was so important for me to know that the products in my home wouldn’t harm my toddler if he got into something. None of Young Living’s products have poison control numbers on them, because there’s nothing harmful in them! I began to be a better advocate for myself and my own home…I can’t control everything (and shouldn’t) but I CAN control what products I allow into my own home. I wanted to know that at the very least, we were using the best stuff under our own roof!

I quickly learned that oils could help me with so many other things too (that I didn’t even realize!). I started reaching for them for muscle tension, emotional support, managing stress, getting better sleep, helping me relax, regulating my hormones, calming my kiddos, and so many other things. I also began making all kinds of concoctions with my oils— everything from face serum to bug spray! I loved that I could make just about anything and know exactly what was in it, and customize it based on what my body needed and what scents I liked! I realized that I could use my oils to replace so many things I used to buy at Target and save money + use clean products at the same time. It didn’t take very long before I was obsessed, to say the least:)

There’s a lot more I’d love to say, but I’ll just end with this— I’m so glad YOU are here. Oils don’t have to be complicated, you can start small like I did and just continue to learn along the way! And that’s where I come in…I’d love to meet you where you’re at and help you along in this oily/wellness journey. My main goal in all of this to help you feel more empowered & educated to be your own health advocate!

So I can promise you this— you’re in good hands.

maddie long