Back at it....


Hiiii— ok long time no write. Am I doing this blog thing right? Gimme grace you guys, it’s been a while. Here we gooo…

So, I think I’m going to start using this space again and maybe even blogging more. AHH ok, I said it. The main reason being that I want a place that feels like mine—where I can write freely & share freely. Where I can open up more, share about marriage & family, post DIY’s and recipes…all in a place that I know isn’t going anywhere. I feel like this space is my “inner circle” so hope you’re ready to get up close and personal ;)

Also, I feel like I just have to say— the hardest part of blogging for me is that I’ve always felt pressure for it to be perfect. Perfect imagines & well-thought out words without any typos, lol. It just feels more permanent than instagram or social media, and I’ve always put more pressure on it. So let me just get this out now— I’m not in this space to be perfect….if you’re a grammar police (like my hubby lol) you will probably hate me. I promise to try my best, but I also promise this isn’t going to be a perfect space. If you’re still here, let’s get MESSY and have some fun!!

There’s so much I want to share on here…but here’s a few things that come to the forefront of my brain:

-MARRIAGE STUFF. so much I want to share about marriage on here!

-alll the DIY’s. I like making stuff & I want to share that with you all.

-gardening stuff! ok, i’m such an amateur but being in my garden and growing plants brings my soul so much joy— and I want to share about that on here.

-a book list of Hank and I’s favs!

-tips & tricks on organizing for small spaces

-what living in a tiny house with all boys is really like lol (hint it’s messy)

-how I use my oils!

-biz stuff & how I’ve grown a business from home with kiddosss

-journey with our chickens and farm animals

-house plans for the future & what we’re thinking as far as home/living goes

-big dreams that we’ve bene dreaming up lately

-a place to document my babies & their milestones

All of this to say, there’s so much I want to share here, and this is a space that I feel like I have the freedom to do that. Honestly just can’t wait to dive in more.

Thanks for being here as I stumble back into this space—love you guys.

xo, Maddie

Maddie Sandbek