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Come do this with me!

Here’s how to get started:


Step 1:

Sign up to become a Young Living member! There are ZERO fees, no monthly minimums, and no strings attached when you become a member. Becoming a member just means that you get access to a starter kit of your choice (which is discounted by about 50%!) and you get 24% off on all future purchases. It’s the best way to get started with absolutely no obligation to ever order again unless you want to (which I’m guessing you will;)!

So make sure you check the “member” button.


Step 2:

After selecting “Become a Member”, you’ll pick a starter kit option! (the fun part!) I personally love the Premium Starter Kit with the Desert Mist diffuser (the Aria is incredible too, if you want to splurge— it’s so worth it!) but you really can’t go wrong!

If you’re not ready to get started with oils, you can also select a Thieves Kit (all the good natural cleaning products), a Savvy Minerals Kit (YL’s make up line) or a Ningxia Red Kit (an amazing antioxidant supplement).

No matter which kit you choose you’ll get access to all the member perks & can always order going forward with your wholesale discount!


Step 3:

If there’s anything else you want to add to your first order, you can go ahead and add it!

There are two more questions you’ll answer before checking out:

  1. Do you want to join Essential Rewards?

  2. Do you want to use your Starter Kit as your first Essential Rewards Order?

By clicking “Yes” to both of these, you’ll also receive a free oil with your kit AND a $10 rewards credit on your account. It doesn’t cost you anything additionally and it’s free to cancel at any time, so saying “yes” is a no-brainer! It will have you set up your order for NEXT month, but don’t worry you have a whole month to cancel or change your order!

Keep scrolling to read about why we love Essential Rewards!


Finish filling out your account & shipping info and you’re all set up! YAY!!! Now keep your eye out for a welcome email from me! I will also get you all plugged into our community & groups to make sure you always know how to use your oils! SO excited for you!!

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Essential Rewards

Essential Rewards is one of the best perks about being a YL member-- it's totally optional, but by saying "yes" you'll get an additional free oil with your kit, a $10 rewards credit on your account and you set up your monthly wellness box for the NEXT month! It is hands down the best way to begin a nontoxic lifestyle & receive SO many freebies/rewards points in the process!


Let me tell ya about the perks:

  • Free to join/cancel at any time

  • Discounted shipping

  • Customize your order every month & get whatever you want/need

  • Earn free oils just for being enrolled at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months!

  • Earn store credit that you can cash in on whatever products you want!

  • Free promos every single month! You’ll earn free products when you spend a certain amount— check out the ones for this month below!

Each month, you'll get a percentage back of what you spend in a rewards credit! (I love saving my credits up and cashing them in for something big and fancy;)

  • Months 1-3 you'll earn 10% back

  • Months 4-24 you'll earn 20% back

  • Months 25+ you'll earn 25% back on everything you spend


Again this is totally optional, but the best thing to do is select your kit, then click the box below, reading, “Use the selected Premium Starter Kit as my first Essential Rewards order and sign me up for an Essential Rewards subscription". 

If you choose to stay on ER (essential rewards), the only requirement is that you spend 50PV (basically $50/month) on anything you want! We always order our household cleaner, shampoo, laundry soap, baby wipes, and restock our oils!

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  • No monthly commitment– essential rewards is optional! if you want - you can literally just order your starter kit and that is it! If you decide you want more later, you can always pop on and order anything you'd like using your wholesale discount!

  • No renewal fee; (simply purchase a minimum of $50pv of product per year and your account stays active)

  • No order minimum – order whenever you like, as often as you like, at 24% off retail prices.

  • No You Don't Have to Sell Oils-- Although Young Living calls their wholesale customers “Distributors” this does NOT mean you have to sell oils! All it means it that if you want a referral link, you can make one, but you NEVER have to! The business opportunity is there for anyone who wants it, but it is never expected! If you do have a friend who sees your oils and wants them (believe me, its going to happen), you can create your referral link and YL will send you $50 for each person who signs up using your link!


Ready To Set Up Your First ER Order?

Here's a few of my top favs outside of the kit!


Orange Oil

One of my all time favorites. Orange oil is uplifting & energizing— it’s also very inexpensive! My favorite way to use orange is to diffuse it with Joy or Stress Away.


Deep Relief Roller

A life saver for me! I rub it on sore muscles or my back and can feel the relief the minute I apply it. As a nursing mama I use this on my neck daily!


Thieves Household Cleaner

Every single person should have Thieves Household cleaner! It’s the ONLY cleaner we use in our home. I use it on all surfaces, floors, bathroom, kitchen, you name it! It's super concentrated so a little goes a long way.


Release Oil

Ahhh my go to oil for reducing stress and promoting relaxation. I love Release. It's the oil I reach for when I've had a hard, long day and just need to chill. It’s amazing applied directly to your wrist or diffused!


Life 9 Probiotic

This helps support a healthy gut which then helps boost your immune system and whole body health. I take one every single night before I go to bed!


Lavender Hand and Body Lotion

The best creamy lotion ever. I use it daily on myself and my kiddos and it helps us relax too, since it has lavender oil in it!

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