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hey there!

i’m maddie & this is my cozy little corner of the internet!

i’m usually all over the place sharing things that I love and that spark joy. but you’ll definitely hear me talk about about my husband who after three wild boys & a heck of a lot of adventures, i still have the hots for. our boys— hank, tom & jack— are as wild and free as they come: living in the country has ruined them for city-life and they spend their days barefoot, dirty, catching bugs and running wild. growing and harvesting sunflowers, a good thrift find, and my hubby’s homemade pasta are some of the other things I love most.

thanks for stopping by,

xo maddie


These are my people.

these people right here are the ones who get me out of bed in the morning (literately and figuratively haha).

they’re the people that I dream for & with. they’re my favorites. pretty dang thankful that I get to spend every day of my life with the best boys a girl could ask for.

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Young Living & Essential Oils

I started using Young Living oils in the fall of 2018. I was super intrigued and had heard oils could help support your body with everything from hormones to emotional support to just sleeping better at night…I decided to give them a shot! Young Living oils are unmatched because of their quality standards and commitment to purity, and gosh did I FEEL the difference when I started incorporating them into my daily routine. I started making small switches one step at a time— and just reaching for my oils FIRST just to see if they helped, and they DID— again and again and again. Not only me, but my husband and my kids as well.

It spurred other decisions that have improved my health for the better— like getting on a good supplement routine & making sure my cleaning products weren’t filled with harsh chemicals.

I decided the BEST way for me to be able to share what I was learning & loving was to become a Brand Partner with Young Living, so I did! What started out as a hobby has become a full-time gig & has allowed us to pursue so many other dreams for our family!

My main goal in all of this to help you feel more empowered to be your own health advocate! I’ve learned so much about my body & what it needs through the power of plants and I’d love to help you do the same!

So I can promise you this— you’re in good hands.

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